Copy An Artwork Image From Your Portfolio into your Images

about 3 years ago

Within the FASO platform images are classified two different ways; Artwork Images and Non-Artwork Images. While all of the images you upload are available for integration in the different categories of your website, each classification has it's own portfolio to help you keep them organized. Simply stated, upload your artwork images to your Artwork Portfolio and upload Non-art Images to the Images Portfolio.

In the Artwork details for each record, there has been a function where you can choose to move an Artwork record to the Images portfolio, and likewise, move a record from Images to the Artwork Portfolio. However, there may be times when you would like to have a copy of one of your Artwork images in the Images portfolio without removing it from your Artwork Portfolio.

Enter the new feature:  Copy This Artwork and Save it as an Image.

To access this feature, Log into your control panel, click Artwork, select the artwork record from the list view, and click the thumbnail or the edit link to access the Artwork Details. Locate the Copy This Artwork and Save it as an Image link and click it.

Upon clicking the Copy this artwork and save it as an image, you will see a process/status screen that tells you it is copying the artwork then it will redirect you to the newly created copy in the Non-Artwork Images. You will notice, the Title of the copied record will be appended by adding (images) to the title field. If you would like to make your own notation to the title you are always able to change it and at that point, simply click the Save Changes button and the copied record will be added to your Non-Artwork Images.