Make an Offer

almost 2 years ago

How often do you see something you might like to acquire but the listed price is a little bit higher than you want to pay? The next thought that goes through your head is.."I wonder if the seller would take $ XXX.00?" If you spend any time on eBay, you have likely seen items listed with the option to either bid, purchase now or Make an Offer. FASO is pleased to announce the Make an Offer capability has been added to the website platform. 

To enable the Make an Offer feature, log into your FASO Control Panel, click the Gear Icon, and click Account Settings. Then in the next page click Settings.

After clicking settings, scroll down to Commerce settings and look for Make an Offer. Click the corresponding edit link then click Yes to enable then click Save Setting to save the changes.

Note: Once you enable this feature, it will automatically become available in all of your available artworks. We will soon be working on a way to control the availability of this feature on a per artwork basis.

What does it look like once you enable the Make an offer button? In the artwork zoom/details view the system will add a discreet link below the Add to Cart button like this.

If the site visitor decides they want to make an offer, the would click the link which brings up the dialog box with options to select standard discounted amounts (5, 10, or 15%), or they can choose the Enter custom offer option and enter the offer of their choosing. They are required to enter their email address, Country, and Region to be able to activate the Send Offer button. 

Once the Send Offer button has been clicked they will receive a confirmation dialog stating the offer has been been sent and to whom it was sent.

When an offer is made you as the artist will receive an email with the offer details and two buttons to either Accept offer or Do not accept offer. 

If you do not accept the offer, click the appropriate button in the email, and it will open your web browser where you will have a form to send the visitor an optional note. 

Once you click the Do not accept offer button again, the website visitor who made the offer will will receive an email stating the offer was declined along with the note if you chose to write one.

**Note: Once you reject an offer, you are unable to go back to the same offer and then accept it.

If you choose to accept the offer, the flow is similar. Click the button in the email you received to Accept offer which will open your browser and give you a form to submit an optional note to the visitor who made the offer. Then click the Accept Offer button again to send an email notification to the website visitor who made the offer.

Your website visitor who made the offer will receive an email notification stating their offer was accepted and will include the note if you chose to submit one. The email will also contain a button for the website visitor to Complete the purchase. 

From here, the website visitor will have to click the Complete the purchase button which will add the item to the shopping cart with the price adjusted to reflect the accepted offer price.

Once the item is in the shopping cart, all that remains is for the website visitor to click the Go to Checkout button and follow the remaining prompts to complete the transaction the same way they would complete any other transaction.