Release notes

Features and improvements we've recently shipped.

June 24, 2020

Reorder Your Art Galleries


We've added the ability for you to manually change the order that your art galleries will appear in on your website.

To change the order, from your galleries screen, click "Sort your galleries".

Then drag and drop your galleries into the order that you want them in by clicking the arrow icons next to each gallery on the left hand side:

Save your changes and the order will change on your FASO Art Website:

June 23, 2020

FASO Image Uploads now accept PNG files


The FASO image uploader now allows you to upload .png files. 

We still recommend .jpg files, especially for artwork images.  And, if you upload a .png file, we will convert it to a .jpg (thus, we do not support transparent .pngs - or, more correctly, the transparency will be lost in the conversion to .jpg).

But for convenience, we now allow you to upload .png files without converting them before-hand yourself.

June 10, 2020

Control Images Displayed and Order in Recent Works Widget


Many of our templates feature a "Recent Works Widget" on the home page of your site.  This is intended to give site visitors an easy way to see if anything is new and by default it displays your 6-8 most recently uploaded artworks.  In most cases we recommend you leave this widget in the default mode.

Some artists however, for various reasons, have a strong desire to manually determine the images that are displayed in the recent works widget.  We have added a way to do that.  We don't recommend you manually control it unless you are very disciplined about changing the images that are displayed there on a regular basis.  It will not look good to your site visitors if your "Recent works" widget never changes.

If you would like to manually control what is displayed in that widget, here are the steps:

1. Navigate to Artwork -> Add / Edit Slidshows

2.  Click "Create a slideshow"

3.  Add a Title to the slideshow.  The title MUST be "Recent Works Widget"

4.  Add you artworks and drag-n-drop them into the order you want.  
    (The widget will only display 6-8 artworks, so there is no need to add more than that)

5. Click "Apply Changes"

6.  Refresh your website and view the home page, you should see your images now in your widget, if your template supports this widget.

From now on, when you want to change the images in your recent works widget, you just edit the "Recent Works Widget" slideshow and change the images.  If you want to go back to the default behavior, then either rename the "Recent Works Widget" slideshow to something else or delete it.

Quick Link

June 09, 2020

Newsletter Subscribe in Cart Checkout Flow Beta


We've added a feature that lets your customer subscribe to your newsletter when they checkout using the FASO shopping cart.

This requires the Enhanced Shopping Cart.


June 04, 2020

Email Marketing the BoldBrush Way Ebook Available


We've released our  (in progress) ebook as the second publication in our BoldBrush Art Marketing Playbook.  It's titled Email Marketing the BoldBrush Way and covers how to start email marketing, how to grow your subscriber list, what to send to your subscribers and how to keep your list clean.  It's available to all paying FASO members for free and we will make the final version available as well when it is completed.


To access it:
Login to FASO -> Marketing -> Learn Art Marketing -> Email Marketing the BolBrush Way

Quick Link

June 03, 2020

Enhanced Shopping Cart with Abandoned Checkouts Beta


Our enhanced shopping cart improves the checkout flow and asks for customer information as a part of that flow.  As a consequence of this, if you enable the enhanced shopping cart, you can now see abandoned checkouts.

This is an advanced ecommerce feature and is available on Gold and higher plans (and on Silver plans during the Covid crisis).

The abandoned checkouts can be found in the "Commerce" section of your FASO account. (If you are on a plan that supports it)

You'll be able to see a list of abandoned checkouts in your FASO account like the example below:

In addition, once this feature is enabled, our system will automatically send you an email notification of any abandoned checkouts so that you may reach out directly to the purchaser and expedite the sale.  The email is sent 24 hours after the checkout is abandoned.  

Here is an example of such an email:

To enable this feature, please  navigate to Commerce -> Abandoned Checkouts and you'll be provided with a link that allows you to enable the feature.

June 02, 2020

Better Support for online only workshops


We've built better support for online only workshops.

When you add a workshop, there is a new field "Online Status".  You have three choices: "Online only", "Not Online" and "Both in-person and online".

If you choose "Online only" as the online status, we will strip irrelevant physical location info to keep the website clean and to not confuse site visitors.

Here's an example of a workshop that is only on Facebook:

Here's an example of a workshop that does have a physical address:

Quick Link

May 26, 2020

Youtube Supported as Social Profile Icon Option


All FASO sites have the option to easily provide links to all your social media profiles. When you enable this feature we show a nice icon on your FASO site that represents the appropriate social media profile you are linking to.

We've added Youtube as an additional option to this feature.

To add a link to your Youtube channel:

Login to your FASO Account -> Click "Social" -> Add your Youtube URL.

Quick Link

May 20, 2020

New Free Marketing Video - How to Launch Online Classes and Workshops


We've released a new free (for FASO members) marketing video.

How to Launch Online Classes, Workshops, and Courses

Learn how as FASO member Jan Guarino shares her story about how she made the transition from in-person to online classes, workshops and courses. Along with lessons learned, we'll also be discussing the best platforms for artists to use to get started quickly.

Access the video from your FASO Account -> Video -> Free Videos

Quick Link:

May 12, 2020

Artful Alerts - Promote Mode


We've added a new marketing automation. Our art alerts feature has, historically, only sent a notices to collectors following you if you upload new art. If you enable the new "Promote Mode" we will send an alert of your oldest piece after two weeks of inactivity on your account. That is, if you don't upload art in a two week period, we will automatically send an alert of your oldest artwork to keep you and your art top of mind with your followers. It is likely that many of your followers will not have seen your oldest work and this could potentially lead to sales.

This setting can be changed in the settings drop down -> Account Settings -> Settings -> Edit next to "New Art Alert Promote Mode" (Under Marketing Heading)